Let's get to the point

We came a long way gathering knowledge about the universe. But many questions remain open. Finding the answers requires making new hypotheses and theories and discussing them. By rocket scientists and everyone else. So, we want to know more! What was there before the universe originated? How will it look millions of years from now, and is it eternal? We want to know more about antimatter, its characteristics and where in space it can be found. About what really happens inside a black hole. And what the actual mechanism behind gravitation is, instead of just knowing its consequences. 

We invite you to read new ideas about these missing links in science. Ideas, not facts. When it comes to topics like these, most of the existing knowledge is based on theories. A tremendous amount of them. Some widely accepted, others still part of an open debate. We want to enrich this debate with a new theory that provides answers to some of the open questions. Because we believe the debate can use more insights, more common sense and more people participating. The ideas we present here are all highlights of the theory composed by Bob Hoogenboom: a New Theory of Gravitation.

Main propositions

The theory states several ideas and propositions, but to give a quick impression, these are the most important:

 We are not being pulled towards Earth, but rather pressed against it. 

Our universe is a perpetuum mobile.

The life of a universe

A widely accepted theory is that our universe originated in a Big Bang, a massive explosion that created the basic elements of all that exists. Also commonly accepted is that our universe has been expanding since the explosion (as you would expect when something explodes) and that it is still expanding as we speak. That may sound fair so far, but note that these are the only two things about the life of our universe that most people agree on. They are supported by scientific evidence.

Questions that are much harder to answer are about the period before the Big Bang and about how and if our universe will end. If all that exists was created in one massive explosion, then what was there before that? What triggered the explosion? When you think about this, 'nothing' may not sound like the most satisfying answer. 

In Hoogenboom's theory it is described how the existence and collapse of a universe is a cyclic process. While our universe expands, it also cools down. This will eventually lead to one giant black hole that absorbs all matter. The black hole cannot sustain forever and will explode in a new Big Bang, creating a new universe. Read more about this process here.

Neutral Dust Particles: possible building blocks of our universe

Imagine the smallest particle. Think about how small it would be. Is it a specific type of particle? Does it come in various shapes? And what happens if it breaks, does anything remain of it? Hoogenboom’s theory is very clear about smallest particles: they don’t exist. Defining something that is ‘the smallest of all’ follows from an attempt to model reality. Having boundaries like this to structure our world is a common thing to do, but often reality is more complex and more chaotic.

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What happens inside a black hole?

Perhaps the most exciting question of all. What’s known from previous scientific research on black holes is that they consume their surroundings. Not the most appealing outlook for objects approaching such a place: it looks like anything 'disappears' in there. It is said that even light cannot escape from it, which makes them look like what they are named after.

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The life of our universe

Our universe is not the only universe that will ever be. It was created by the Big Bang, a long time ago. Since then it has been expanding and cooling down. In the beginning of its lifetime, objects of matter, like planets, rocks and stars, are abundant. The young universe is compact and warm. The more time passes, the more the universe will expand. This expansion goes hand in hand with a decline in temperature. Black holes grow in their numbers, as well as their size. The balance starts to shift from matter to antimatter as the black holes continue to consume all surrounding matter and convert it into antimatter.

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How does gravitation work?

We are familiar with gravitation as the force that makes objects attract each other. Here, we want to distinguish two types of gravitation. Positive gravitation, which applies to a warm core of an object of matter. And negative gravitation, which applies to a cold core of antimatter.

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The complete theory

A very concise (20 page) book that describes possible mechanisms behind gravitation, matter, the Big Bang, black holes and more. Bob Hoogenboom discusses existing and new insights about how a universe works, in a way that forces you to ask questions, think along and use your own intuition. Yes, a universe, not just our universe, because there may be many more.

See the formal approach? Then read the complete theory! Get the 20-page e-book on Google Play for free!