Two types of gravitation
We are familiar with gravitation as the force that makes objects attract each other. Here, we want to distinguish two types of gravitation. Positive gravitation, which applies to a warm core of an object of matter. And negative gravitation, which applies to a cold core of antimatter.
What is referred to here as positive gravitation, is usually just referred to as 'gravitation'. It is the force we experience every day, that keeps us from falling off our planet, into the universe. The term negative gravitation is newly introduced by this theory. It is exhibited by the cold antimatter core of a black hole.
How does positive gravitation work?
Gravitation is not what we think it is, according to Hoogenboom's theory. We are not being pulled towards Earth, although it may feel that way and we started to just assume this. In general, small objects are not being pulled towards large objects. Instead, they are dragged along in the stream of neutral dust particles that move towards the core of the larger object. The result is the same: the smaller object is forced towards the larger object, a phenomenon we call gravitation.
Temperature is essential
Molecules attract neutral dust particles. How strong this attraction is, depends on the molecule's temperature. The warmer the molecule, the stronger the suction of neutral dust particles towards the molecule. In the universe, the core of an object is warmer than its surrounding layers. Our planet's core, for example, is thousands of degrees, while its surface has mild temperatures, favourable for life to exist. The space that surrounds Earth is even colder.

The warm core of a planet attracts neutral dust particles from the colder surrounding space. The neutral dust particles that are attracted, are cold as well. When they arrive inside the planet's core, the particles warm up. By warming up, their density is reduced and they are soon pushed out by new, cold particles. This causes a constant flow of cold neutral dust particles towards the core, and warm neutral dust particles away from the core.
If there were no temperature differences it the universe, this process would not exist. Neutral dust particles would have nowhere to flow. Without these flows, nothing would be pushed towards something else, in other words, no gravitation would exist.